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Exit Sign Disposal Service for Radioactive H-3 Tritium Signs

Radioactive Exit Sign Disposal Service

About Tritium (H-3) Exit Sign Disposal Offered By ADCO


Self-luminous radioactive Tritium H3 exit signs also known as self powered exit signs require special disposal services as exit signs of this nature are considered a "radioactive waste". Radioactive exit signs are sometimes used in facilities such as: skyscrapers / high rises, hospitals, universities, tunnels, airplanes, and office buildings where electrical lines are difficult to run. These self-powered exit signs typically use Curie amounts of Tritium (H-3) contained in glass tubes to illuminate the lettering on the exit sign typically in a greenish colored glow.



If you find yourself asking, "What do I do with a radioactive exit sign?" or "How do I dispose of a radioactive exit sign?" remember this, Tritium, while not overly harmful, must be handled properly to avoid Tritium contamination. It is of utmost importance that radioactive exit signs be handled with care to avoid breakage of the glass tubes located inside the exit sign housing containing the Tritium. These signs are to NEVER be thrown away in the regular trash! Let the experts at ADCO Services who have coordinated the disposal of over 10,000 radioactive exit signs throughout ADCO's history take the hassle out of properly disposing of your radioactive exit signs and have our partnered exit sign processor recycle your radioactive exit signs in an environmentally safe manner in accordance with NRC regulations.



Frequently questions are asked as to what to do with radioactive exit signs during the period of time where the signs have been removed from the wall or ceiling and are awaiting a pickup for disposal. We ask that you place the signs in a secure location where they won't be dropped, bumped (usually in a corner in a box or cabinet), or tampered with by anyone. If you have a sign which is broken, the sign should be handled with Rubber or Latex gloves and placed in a Ziploc bag large enough to safely hold the sign with the bag closed after removing any hardware or mounting brackets that were used to hold the sign on the wall or ceiling, then place the gloves worn to handle the sign inside the bag and seal it. This will reduce chances for Tritium (H-3) contamination. Once the exit signs have been placed in a secure location, call ADCO Services or to schedule a pickup. 



ADCO Services will assist you with the proper Tritium (H-3) exit sign removal from your facility for proper disposal / recycling at our licensed exit sign processing facility we work closely with. ADCO Services will send personnel to your facility that have been trained in the proper packaging requirements, paperwork preparation, transportation, and disposal / recycling of your self-luminous Tritium (H-3) exit signs to assure your signs have been properly packaged by the generator and are ready for shipment to our contracted processing facility. ADCO Services can also assist in the processing of broken or damaged signs. Please call today for details!

ADCO Services Can Help You With Your Radioactive Exit Sign Disposal

Exit Sign Disposal Packaging Offered By ADCO


Be sure to ask about the self luminous exit sign packaging options you have for when you ready your signs for shipment. ADCO can assist you with obtaining the proper packaging containers for your Tritium exit signs and provide you with the proper packaging instructions on how to pack your radioactive exit signs for shipment. 


Our staff is fully trained on how to handle H-3 exit signs and have assisted customers across the entire United States with disposing of these signs. At ADCO Services we take pride in dealing with your waste removal needs and will provide you with the level of quality guidance and service you expect. 

Tritium Disposal Offered By ADCO Services

About ADCO's Tritium (H-3) Waste Disposal Program


ADCO Services offers disposal brokerage of items that contain Tritium (H-3) for more than just exit signs through our partnership with various licensed radioactive waste processing facilities in The United States. We can also arrange for disposal of Tritium painted items such as "fire pull switches" and items that contain a Tritium gas such as components found on airplanes through our radioactive waste processing partner. Many times this Tritium is used to allow an object to glow in the dark without means of any illuminator filament being used such as a light bulb. 

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Contact Us About Our Tritium (H-3) Exit Sign Disposal Program Offered

By ADCO Services, Inc.

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Credit Cards Accepted For Waste Disposal Service

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

To pay your bill, please click the credit card logos below and complete our credit card authorization form and e-mail back to our office at the e-mail address listed on form. 

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